About this brief: This brief is a follow up to our 2020 product, “What Washington’s kids need to weather the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.” Recent U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse data and stories from community members across the state show how the pandemic continues to affect kids and families in the areas of housing, nutrition, health care,
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What Washington’s kids need to weather the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis and beyond

Bolster investments in children and families to protect Washington’s future While the youngest Washingtonians have so far been largely spared from some of the worst health impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, the toll of the pandemic on the well-being of children and their families should not be underestimated. Prolonged school and child care closures, lost jobs and incomes, and the
Building Great Kids: Ensuring children have strong, stable early learning opportunities

August 2020 Healthy development for young kids creates a better future for all. Today’s children are the voters, parents, nurses, educators, volunteers, and business owners of tomorrow. Within just a few short years, they will take their places in civic society. Washington’s collective well-being—the health of public structures, the vibrancy of communities, the vitality of the economy—is enhanced by everyone
Ensuring all kids experience optimal oral health

State of Washington’s Kids 2020 Oral health is vital to overall health. From a child’s first years, routine and preventive dental treatment is a necessary means to maintain a healthy mouth, teeth, and gums. Every parent wants their children to grow up free of the pain, distraction, and expense of untreated dental decay. Yet too many Washington children are adversely